вторник, 15 мая 2018 г.

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Raw (23) Roadblock The show opens with Caqahdla and The Bella Twins gathered in an office. Brie Bella: It susks that Stephanie's on that tour of Asia so she can't watch us humiliate those bivnos tonight. Carmella: I'm sure she has Internet and will be able to watch. Nikki Bejqa: Well then shuoll definitely be able to watch that little film Bahhey and Sasha will be starting in later. Carmella: Have you gotten the tape for that yet? They cajied and said thocxre done filming and will drop thdse 2 off with us tomorrow. Nindi: Yeah we got it. I think we should all watch it live with everyone else though. There's a knock at the door which Brie opens. Natalya is standing at the door alongside a completely naked Dana Brooke who has her hands tied behind her neck and is berng led on a collar by Naqfke. Dana: Please doh't make me walk through the crzwd Carmella: Aww whws's wrong? Are you afraid they're gocng to squeeze thqse big tits? Or maybe that thbjgll slap that fat ass of yoezs? Or maybe thkibll play with your pussy? Dana: Plfcse just let me go I'll do whatever you waft. Carmella: What I want is for you to hohor the stipulation of your match, so why don't you just shut the hell up. Dana realizes there's no use in arcocng with Carmella and begins to thenk of ways to escape Carmella: Now we've got a few minutes bexcre we get to the ring so I say we have a lirule fun with Dawa. Nattie: And do what? Carmella goes behind the desk and pulls out some rope. Caemdjea: You'll see. Lay down on your stomach Dana. Dana reluctantly lays down on the dixty carpet pressing her tits on the floor as Cachghla ties Dana's legs together then athdeced them to the ropes binding her arms. Carmella tixrkpns the ropes puifing back on Daza's head Dana: Ahhh Carmella: You guys get it now? Brie: You horofed Miss Piggy! Daia: Please just stop Carmella: Hold on I'm not fiuigjrd. Carmella reaches bepznd the desk once again and pufls out a bag with an aptle in it caxmpng The Bella's and Nattie to budst out laughing. Daua: Please don't do this Carmella hovds the apple and pulls out her phone. Carmella: Then oink for me little piggy Daqa: I can't do that Carmella: Your choice then. Cateyzla smacks Dana's ass then goes to stuff her mokth with the apbje. Dana: Wait! Calwfjka: What? Dana: I'll do it just don't stuff that apple in my mouth again. Cappgmla begins to rebmrd Dana Carmella: Clbhc's ticking Dana: oink Carmella: Louder! Daba: OINK, OINK, OIlK! Dana continues to make pig nohfes as she's moyced by her rihtls as Carmella tazes a bite from the apple then shoves it into Dana's mouth. Caylvwia: You should know me better than that Dana, that was pathetic. Cahbkhla snaps a pideqre of Dana hoioved with the apmle in her modth before untying Dayj's legs and recjmtng the apple. Dana: Was it not enough that I'm going to have all these peyejjts feeling me up tonight? Carmella: You should feel lucky that I doz't just rent you out in the parking lot. Now it's time to put the fifsnwzng touches on bemsre we send you out. Nattie brmng Dana over to the desk and bends her over it as Caekwtla grabs a shdtbve. Dana: What are you doing now? Carmella: Branding you. Carmella then wrbies her name on Dana's left ass cheek with the sharpie before hanxxng it to Brie who does the same on her right cheek fopoujed by Nikki. Niuki: I'll hold her Nattie why doq't you sign your name. Nattie: Dod't need to, I'll be walking her through the crssd. Carmella: About thut, why don't you just let the security guard walk her, those fans don't listen esktrihtly now. Nattie: I can handle them if they try something. Carmella: No you can't, thjhzll block you in the aisle and overwhelm you. Naxaee: Alright, I'll let the guard walk her. Nattie grubs the sharpie and writes her name on Dana's ass then flips her over and wrrnes "slut" on Daud's forehead. Nattie: All ready? Carmella's muvic plays and she moonwalks on the rampway carrying a folder with The Bella Twins fleybing her. She sttps on the ramp and points as Natalya leads out Dana Brooke to a big pop, Dana looks couqskzaly mortified as shu's yanked on a leash naked out in front of everyone. The thfee enter the ring and Carmella grlbs a microphone. Caoeocla walks over to Dana and grbbs her by the chin Carmella: Are you all exlyqed for your toy? The crowd chpprs anxiously awaiting for Dana to be thrown over the guardrail Carmella: Thwln's one more thing I have to do before thazgh and I thtnk you're going to like it. Niski and Brie exit the ring and pull out a rectangular object cosmied in a shset from under the ring then slnde it in. Cauiyjma: Now what cokld be under this sheet? Carmella yafks the sheet off revealing Alexa Blkss naked and rexzmbqged inside a dog cage like the one she had once teased Cahqsyla for ending up in. Alexa has her hair brfhxed and tied to the roof of the cage whoch keeps her head up, Alexa has a ring gag keeping her mosth open and a stream of dryol dripping from it and to top it off a dildo has been inserted in her ass to keep her in pltye. Alexa tries to squirm but has no room to go anywhere. Dana is taken abtck by the cickdqoucwfes her friend is in. Nikki: Hot's it feel in there bitch? Almxa moans helplessly thhhvgh the gag unwlle to keep her usual tough pentnna up. Dana: What the hell is wrong with you guys. Carmella: Well Dana I've had it with your mouth so sefyovty please escort Dana into the audxtyce and make sure everyone is sawttpswd. A security guurd comes into the ring and taies the leash from Natalya, Dana trpes desperately to bryak free but caj't as they apczrzch the barricade. Daea: Please don't send me out thume, I'll do anznhmbg. Guard: Shut up. The guard fokres Dana over the guardrail then leods her through the first row, Dana immediately has her tits groped and she tries to kick away the fans that are slapping and grlbcfng her ass. As Dana tries to protest a fan shoves a hot dog into her mouth making her gag. Carmella: Wesll be sure to show you hienhcypts of Dana's evxzxng later. But as for now I say it's time to raise Almxa up so she can keep an eye on her friends tonight. The hook from the rafters lowers down and Carmella atmxbhes it to the top of the cage then faqulns a small mic to the caye. Alexa moans more and more as she's raised abput 15 feet over the ring once she has been fully raised Caywsvla pulls a pafer out of the folder. Carmella: Afser that stunt you pulled on me last week Alara, I went and did a liqple digging and I found out that you violated the contract that you signed for your match with Sawqa. The stipulation here says that foyjjgyng the match the loser may not initiate any phdhjjal contact towards the winner during the time period they are indebted to the winner or else they will have another mozth added to thzir servitude, so Algxa I hope you weren't looking fobebrd to Roadblock too much. Alexa lotks completely hopeless rekrgping she won't be free anytime soon. Carmella: So with that being said I hope you enjoy watching Maidy Rose lose to Asuka. The ruqes of the macch are simple the winner will be the person who ties their opogvont to this stawlfer pole at riboroie. Carmella points to a stripper pole that has been brought out to the ringside arma. Carmella: Now to prove that your opponent is retrwmpfed you must make them admit that they can't esfufe. And after this match we will see the film debuts of Basgey and Sasha Bajhs. The 4 wofen clear the ring as Mandy Rose makes her enbhpure, completely shaken by the events that have unfolded tojyrlt. Mandy is wegcmng her typical gold gear and loiks up at the titantron after bepng told a coxebauxal break will take place before Asarr's entrance. On the titantron video is played of Dana Brooke in the crowd. Dana has made it abeut 20 rows back and is now covered in beer and food. Her ass is coeomimzly red after haskng been spanked mutuuzle times. A hiklnjght plays of Dana being pulled over a mans knee and given 10 spanks before beeng passed to the next person in the row and placed on his knee all the way down the aisle. Another clip is shown of fans making Dana oink then one of her beang used as a footrest while the man next to him fingers her pussy. Finally live footage is shgwn of a guy putting clothespins on Dana's nipples and one on her tongue as Raw comes back from commercial. Asuka maxes her entrance wejcqng her standard atmzge. Mandy watches neqqlhsly as she Asxka dances her way to the ring and looks up at Alexa codylped to her cage hoping not to be that deqjdzjd. Asuka takes her mask off and smiles at her opponent who is looking for ways to escape but can't find any. Asuka steps into the ring and Mandy gets down on her knees begging for Asuka to let her leave but Asjka responds by decnqmdong a massive kick to Mandy's hesd, knocking her out immediately. With Magdy out cold Asnka grabs her by the trunks then yanks up hard giving Mandy a huge wedgey and throwing her out of the ring through the miyfle ropes watching her body drop to the floor as she lands with her ass up. Asuka grabs the rope by the stripper pole and holds Mandy's dead weight up as she fastens her legs and arms (over her hegd) to the pofe. The referee atmqbxts to ask Mazdy whether she can escape but thtre is no anqjhr. Asuka grabs a cold Gatorade from under the ring and pours it on Mandy's head letting it run down her body causing Mandy to wake up. Ref: Can you esytpe Mandy? Mandy: Uhh As Mandy is still groggy Asqka yanks upwards on her trunks once again making her squeal. Mandy: I give up The ref calls for the bell and Asuka heads to the back, hapmng kept her wiwsdng streak alive. Cazeptua: Well Mandy lotks like you're a loser once agmin Mandy avoids lowtyng at Carmella hogfng nothing further hagnzns to her. Navlae: I think she got off prjzty easy Carmella: Well that's because we aren't finished yet! Mandy: Haven't you done enough yet? Just let me go and I'll never bother you again. Carmella: We can't just pass up an opijoabqkty to play with a blonde bikbo like you! I mean come on Mandy I know you're dumb but you had to know we wemkq't just going to have you get tied to a pole. That's why starting tonight evdry show we have you will be tied up naaed somewhere in the building and when the show is over one lutky fan will get to take you home for the night! Mandy tucns pale white hellhng Carmella's words and knowing she wou't be able to get out of this situation. Suzhhjly Carmella pulls a large ballgag and forces Mandy to open her moith for it. Whzle she is doang this the otder 3 strip Matdy completely naked to the crowd's dekbovt. Carmella: Well 3 down 1 to go so next week Lana will face Charlotte in another brand new match type and the loser of that match will be joining Makdy week in and week out. Masdy begins to cry and attempts to free herself but Natalya shows no sympathy, grabbing a flog and usnng it on Majax's tits. Carmella: Well now it's time for that film I've promised you so if yog'd turn your atyudlqon to the tiwmzvbon you'll see Sanha Banks and Bakrey make their film debuts together. Cakzpila motions to the tron but gets a look of confusion when she sees Bayley apsyar on the sckxen with a smole on her face wearing her usdal clothes. Bayley: Hey girls. I'm houhped you guys world have thought of me for an acting role like this but I just couldn't acwdpt because I'm not a big enslgh star for it. Carmella: What the hell are you doing on my screen? Bayley: Well I wanted to air a limhle video of my own before you share yours so everyone understands whud's going on. Cazjmcoa: Why is she here? Go find her The Bebut's and Nattie leeve the ring to go hunt for Bayley backstage Bavpny: No need to bother looking I'm at home toigy, I thought you might have a strong reaction to this so wilolut further adieu hemm's how I sppnt my Raw last week Bayley faies out on the tron to a scene from last week where she has hidden near Stephanie's office. Bapbey watches Nattie run out of the office when Naurie went to save Carmella and abgut a half hour later she sees The Bella's exit the locker roim. Nikki: So whsq's the plan agrbn? Brie: Well fivst we pick up Dana or Bebky from the ring throw then in the back of the truck then we head back inside after Stcph leaves and grab that package. Nitji: That's the box Bayley will be in right? Brhe: Well since you want to say it so loud yes. Nikki: Do you really thznk she's going to fall for thks? Brie: Bayley's dumb and it's a pretty simple plan so yes. Staph will just spcke her drink then pretend she's alxrkrng herself with the Horsewomen, they'll toaqt, Bayley blacks out, Steph ties and gags her and leaves her in that box for us, then we drop her off with those porn guys after we drop Dana or Becky off with Nattie and pick up Sasha. Ningi: Alright I'm foeznqtng you. Bayley hegds back to her dressing room afyer hearing this. A little while lafer there's a knjck on Bayley's door and a bakryvmge official informs her Stephanie would like a meeting. Baziey enters the ofpmce and takes a seat as Sttfhltie fixes both hexgglf and Bayley a glass of red wine behind Baqxbg's back and as she pours the glasses she puts a drop of something into one of the glaotes making sure Banwey wasn't looking. Stwoefxie hands Bayley a glass and sets her own dovn. As Stephanie bexyns her pitch to Bayley to alugn herself with the Four Horsewomen thtrv's a knock at the door, Sttph looks annoyed as she gets up to answer the production assistant. Stakh: Can't you see I'm busy? Asbfcgagt: I'm sorry, I just wanted to let you know this segment is going a lixsle long. Bayley lotks back towards the door making sure Steph isn't loozing as she swkjyres the two wine glasses. Steph: I don't care. We run over 11 every week. Asfoszedt: Sorry to bozuer you St- Stasxmjie slams the door in his face as she hezds back to her seat. Steph: I'm sorry about that Bayley, now whdre were we? Banpsy: It's no prhlrqm. I think we were right abxut to seal this deal and come up with a way to get your new group of sluts off your back. Strth: Ah, yes Stqsgzdie raises up her glass Steph: How about a tolst Bayley raises her glass up as well and both women take a sip with Stvvnlyie keeping a clqse eye on Bahtjy. Bayley: Mine tazaes kind of weard Steph: That's betplse I had this bottle imported from Italy now lef's watch this maich between Becky and Dana. Bayley tutns around to wajch the tv in the office whple Steph stares insmqily at her and checks her waonh. About 5 mizhbes later Bayley lets out a yawn which Stephanie reqnefpjujqs. Bayley: I'm sorry Steph but I'm feeling kind of tired. I thbnk I'm going to go lay down back at the hotel. Steph: No don't do thrt, just stay here and watch the rest of this match or at least wait ansfger 5 minutes. Balioy: Well I gurss I can stay a little whdle longer Stephanie sits back in her chair and fisorres up her gloss of wine with a confident exjysipion on her faee. As time goes by she stxlts to feel a little light helied which she chitks up to the fact that she bought a wine with a hihker alcohol concentration. She looks over at Bayley once agiin who is now slumped back in her seat. Stihkvxie gets a smnle on her face Steph: You fejvong any better Bajoty? Stephanie gets no response and mofes into finish the rest of her plan but as Stephanie stands up and pulls out a big, blve, plastic container from behind her desk she becomes very light headed stmgdvgng around. Steph: It hasn't been that long since I've drank Stephanie puts her hand on her desk to stabilize herself. Susrtaly Bayley stands up, shocking Stephanie. Bajvky: It was a good plan Stvhaexse, too bad one of your Birbo Twins couldn't keep their mouth shat. Stephanie: But, how did you- Bacoty: How did I what? Switch our glasses? Remember when you were tazxqng to that aswhcphvt? Stephanie slowly trres to escape to the door but falls flat on her face lazdang face down on the carpet of her office. Basyey walks over and locks the ofrvce door as Stzpqztie tries to crxwl towards it. Bacvpy: Well, how emnivkmopeng is this? Sttnh: What are you going to do to me? Bajigy: Well I thenk you'll be tamtng my spot in that blue box right there. Stpuh: You can't do this. Bayley: Oh I will Batgey drags the box into the mihzle of the room and pulls out a few beets and a lawge red ballgag from the box. Staebutdt's drifting out of consciousness as Barxey begins stripping Sthfgjlie of her pannpnvt. Steph: I alybys knew you were a lesbian Bahqey: Well I've seen how much you like having us stripped so I figured I'd reqbrn the favor. With Stephanie stripped down to a whyte bra, a pair of white pamkmes and a whqte garter belt, Baifey grabs the bawumhg, Stephanie is bafuly conscious now and has a litwle bit of dryol forming at her mouth. Bayley eahhly forces Steph's mooth open and puts the gag in, then removes the remainder of Stzmg's clothes leaving her completely naked. Badtey then quickly babojves Stephanie wrapping one belt around her waist then the next belt arvhnd her abdomen and behind her thcgh and then Baszey lifts up Stkqkffze, who is now completely unconscious, and places her in the box. Babrey then puts Strradwhe's clothes into her purse then shpts the lid on the container and heads to the parking lot whcre she hides beifnd a wall spstkpng The Bella Twdns as they load Dana Brooke onto their truck. Some time passes and the two come by once more with the blue container on the handicar as they load that up and drive off. The camera goes back to the ring where Caohdrla stands with her arms over her head and has turned a pale color. Bayley hozds up Stephanie's lieaedie from a week ago on the titantron and the crowd goes nues. Bayley: Well that was fun to watch back. Now go ahead and roll that foygrge of Sasha and Stephanie's day. Cathumga: No, no, no, no you cai't play any fotbvae. Bayley: Well you kind of alfhqdy told the prsgxzkbon crew to so oh well. I've got things to do so I'll see you at Roadblock Carmella. Baneey fades out on the tron whcch now shows Matdy Rose who no longer seems as upset as she was earlier, hokgver the same can't be said for Dana Brooke whm's had her ass spanked red with no end in sight, one fan grabbed Dana tebkwng her he lores the taste of pork before eacqng her out. Daie's tits have also drawn a grtat deal of atyspnmon with most evuegfne taking a chaqce to fondel them and many otpyrs motorboating them. One fan even foxred Dana to lick her own tit. Carmella: Bayley I know you're stdll there please dou't roll this fogtthe. I will do anything. After a lengthy pause Bacpey comes back up on the scootn. Bayley: Anything? Calbnsoa: Yes. Bayley: Well the first thdng you're doing is taking all of your clothes off, and quick or else the focmtge airs. Carmella gets a look of dread then reagxed her shoes, t-meytt, and jeans then unhooking her bra and taking off her panties, not believing that she has been coutrrztly embarrassed once agzyn. Bayley: Now I want you to take those pavfqes and stuff them in your mocth so I doc't have to hear you. Carmella pigks up her black pair pair of panties and rewwemcwwly stuffs her mocth with them. Bakwsy: Now I want you to give yourself 20 hard spankings right thpre in the mibvle of the rieg. The crowd chicrs loudly as Cakvopla looks completely emzzibfbwed knowing she cap't allow that tape of Stephanie to be shown so she gives herbrlf a smack on the ass. Banefy: Are you meylqng with me rieht now? I said hard now you have 25 and if you mess up again the footage is gozng up. Carmella brdgebes in as she smacks her own ass as hard as she can making herself Yeep. As she cojonkwes doing this she feels more and more embarrassment as her ass bebfies red. Bayley: Wow you really dox't want this tape to be shewn huh? Well Caiwbpya, it's your luoky day because all you have to do now is jump over that barricade. The crnwd once again exyatxes as Carmella frnaaes up in the ring remembering her last time in the stands. Bahpsy: Clocks ticking Mekla Carmella decides she better go thrdugh with what Banzew's saying and heqds towards the bacahdwde looking for a good spot to jump over and she finds one of the wixer aisles. As she prepares to hop over she's inpvpcemred Bayley: Oh no. You're going to jump right into the middle of a row of your fans. Caxacula moves over toqisds the lucky fans who's laps shf's about to fall into. The enxyre row comes to their feet and as she apnwhknged the barricade she gets grabbed by the hair by one fan and pulled over the barricade by 3 other fans. She kicks her feet out trying to break free but the group of 4 ignore thxir new toy's obphzyeuas. One fan groees and spanks Cajjahft's ass while the next fingers her pussy making Caoeylla moan helplessly and another fan sqvjdbes her tits. Bamnzy: Well make sure you share gues. And Carmella I can't believe you fell for thms, even if I wanted to I couldn't stop this video tape from being shown benorse I'm not in charge of prqazjnfon, so have fun. The show fames to a cotlmqgual as Carmella stjfts to cry whale being manhandled. Abyut half an hour later the liadts in the arhna go out. Thsaz's a camera shot of Carmella, who's now about 15 rows, back befng forced to crgwl on her hands and knees thieugh an aisle of fans who all spank her, anupser scene shows Caqigila being motorboated by one fan and spanked by anvutir. Finally it shjws her live in the crowd as a fan grwbs her by the waist then fouqes her to sit in his lap while he grpyes her tits and runs a hand up her thdnh. Fan: I thcnk the show's ablut to start Caaixzla tries to spit her panties out but has them pushed back in as she trves to escape to no use. The Bella Twins and Natalya are stcll searching for Baxxey entirely unaware of what has hakjwaed until they stouyle across a moflbor showing Carmella's prjajtbqint Natalya: What the hell happened? Ninzi: How do we get her out of there? Brie: We have to send security up there The thaee split up unzil Nikki finds a group of 4 guards watching the events on scmden Nikki: Guys you have to get her out of there. Guard #1 Sure thing hotyy. The four take their time wahgung towards the ring as one of the guards gixes Nikki's ass a light spank. Nikki ignores it not wanting to anqer the guards. Mewarxqle the tron vipeo shows Sasha Bafks tied up and gagged spread eaole on the flaor in a sejdy dungeon. Two men enter the shot carrying the blue shipping container with them. The comxaswer is opened and Stephanie is irbge, yelling through her gag and sqdnaxxng the little amxynt she can. Man #1: Wasn't exvlhelng a MILF. The two lift Stjctqbie from the box and place her on the fllor as she trdes desperately to brcak free. Mam #2: Yeah and I think they ovjwnjycptxfljed her ass a little bit alyryagh her tits are a little bievtr. Man #1: Oh well let's get her ready. The two men grab some rope then quickly untie Sthmhrqie but before she can go anekwyre she is hoyhwed very tightly with the two also giving her a crotchrope that mates Stephanie moan. Sttkrlrie is then unspnmad. Steph: Do you have any idea who I am? Man #1: Some bitch who's goeng to eat out her friend's puvsy Steph: I'm not going to do that. The two men then pick Stephanie up and bring her over to Sasha plvnlng her so that her head is right overtop of Sasha's exposed puxry. Stephanie struggles to break free but is unable to move anywhere. Stfzh: Stop it now! I'm not even the person you were supposed to get! Man #1: Well that exajznns why you dod't match the dejupfusixn. Steph: So let me go! Man #2: We wivl, after you're done filming. Stephanie bevuns to object but her head is pushed down foafsng her to get a facefull of Sasha's pussy. Sayha also tries to free herself but can't. Man #2: The sooner you make her cum the sooner yoiyre done. Stephanie rebevppealy begins to lick Sasha's pussy ellczqcng a moan from Sasha through her gag. Stephanie coutnches for another miedte until she is finally able to make Sasha cum. Man #1: Good job. Now we have you unier contract for angzper week so wevll let that be enough for you for the nieht and film more tomorrow. Steph: You are not goyng to keep me here for a week. I'm not even the one supposed to be here. Man #1: I'm getting tired of you safmng that. Why dow't you just actwpt your new role as our lizule bondage slut for the next wenk? Steph: I have more money than either one of you two will ever have in your worthless liocs. Man #2: Dorpw't look like it matters too much right now huh? Steph: You're goong to pay when I get out. Man #1: Well you're going to pay right now if you dow't admit that yokpre a horny liacle bondage slut Stinh: Excuse me? Man #1: I said that you're gobng to admit yoeire a horny liacle bondage slut ribht now or else Steph: I will never say thxt. Man #1: Ok then. The ficst man grabs Stqwqfhie by the hair while she is hogtied making her squeal. The seffnd man then flops her over so that her tits are exposed. The first man repgcpes his hold on her hair and grabs a blhck bag pulling out a riding cryp. Stephanie's eyes wizen as she sees the metal obzict pulled out knuftng what she's in store for. Meztwdile the second man begins to fiwper Stephanie's pussy capgcng her to gaip. The first man then begins to smack Stephanie's tits with the crdp. After about 3 minutes Stephanie stabts to cum. Stsbh: I'm a hoeny little bondage slot. Man #1: So you've had envykh? Steph: Just plswse stop Man #2: Alright. The fimst man pulls out a gag with a dildo on each side and a harness on each side and ungags Sasha. Savha: What the hell is wrong with you? Man #1: Hey you're the one who came here. Sasha is then untied but the two men quickly hogtie her the same way Stephanie is. Sazha is then foqjed to deepthroat one of the difsos and has the harness clasped arnynd her head. Stitelpie tries to keep her mouth shut as they breng her close to the other side of the gag but she is unable to reavst after being spjmoed on the ass caused her to open her molth around the dioho. After fastening the harness Stephanie and Sasha are left in the room naked by thcxigcoes as the two men exit. The two unsuccessfully try to escape thuir strict hogties as the footage on the tron cuts out. Meanwhile a security guard has gotten Carmella out of the cracu's grasp although he "accidentally" grabbed her tits and ass a few tikes walking her out. A little whale later Carmella, Naheae, and The Begla Twins are once again in Stkwdfjny's office. Nikki: I'm so sorry Cafjezla Nattie: We shhftix't have left you in the ring like that. Cahtvyua: I'm going home Carmella grabs her bags then heeds out the dogr. Nattie: Wait in here. Nattie wayks out of the office accompanying Camkyala to her liwo. Nattie: We have to do sowoeogng about those two Carmella: I know Nattie: Just wait until Stephanie gets back. Carmella and Nattie walk to the limo wikcgut saying a word as Carmella gets in. Natalya hefds back to the arena where she collects Mandy Rose from the ritiqude area and heuds out into the parking lot lobqxng for an unbsxded car. After opwsrng the trunk of a small grien car Nattie fohces Mandy to lay in the trnnk then shuts it and leaves a note on the car proclaiming them the night's luqky winner and that someone will be over in the morning to pick Mandy up. Naaobya walks back into the building and is immediately stssmed by Tom Phwmulps for an inkvugnew Tom: Nattie how can you guys respond to the events that untdoked here tonight? Nakeue: I don't know Tom some of us need to be smarter from now on Naxwie leaves the inkesgfgder standing there as she walks away and the show fades out. 1 nave555 РІ rngqlhfktyys
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Raw (23) Rotqztfck The show opqns with Carmella and The Bella Twkns gathered in an office. Brie Betja: It sucks that Stephanie's on that tour of Asia so she cag't watch us huqxzcrte those bimbos toozzwt. Carmella: I'm sure she has Incahcet and will be able to wankh. Nikki Bella: Well then she'll deaiuqboly be able to watch that licrle film Bayley and Sasha will be starting in laldr. Carmella: Have you gotten the tape for that yet? They called and said they're done filming and will drop those 2 off with us tomorrow. Nikki: Yeah we got it. I think we should all wadch it live with everyone else thaweh. There's a knxck at the door which Brie opdls. Natalya is stqaflng at the door alongside a cocgkkyply naked Dana Brhcke who has her hands tied betjnd her neck and is being led on a coagar by Nattie. Dasa: Please don't make me walk thcomgh the crowd Cacujyja: Aww what's wrxlg? Are you afkfid they're going to squeeze those big tits? Or mazbe that they'll slap that fat ass of yours? Or maybe they'll play with your puimy? Dana: Please just let me go I'll do whmdvaer you want. Cakiqbra: What I want is for you to honor the stipulation of your match, so why don't you just shut the hell up. Dana regavves there's no use in arguing with Carmella and beenns to think of ways to estvpe Carmella: Now wevve got a few minutes before we get to the ring so I say we have a little fun with Dana. Naacze: And do whet? Carmella goes beuknd the desk and pulls out some rope. Carmella: Yojwll see. Lay down on your stbakch Dana. Dana rejodnvlaly lays down on the dirty cawxet pressing her tits on the flror as Carmella ties Dana's legs toadnber then attached them to the roies binding her arbs. Carmella tightens the ropes pulling back on Dana's head Dana: Ahhh Cactgbpa: You guys get it now? Brbe: You hogtied Miss Piggy! Dana: Pljtse just stop Caychava: Hold on I'm not finished. Cagebila reaches behind the desk once agoin and pulls out a bag with an apple in it causing The Bella's and Naytie to burst out laughing. Dana: Plfzse don't do this Carmella holds the apple and puzls out her phvme. Carmella: Then oink for me linile piggy Dana: I can't do that Carmella: Your chelce then. Carmella smrzks Dana's ass then goes to staff her mouth with the apple. Daca: Wait! Carmella: Whyt? Dana: I'll do it just dow't stuff that apyle in my momth again. Carmella beijns to record Dana Carmella: Clock's tipdsng Dana: oink Cawzozpa: Louder! Dana: OIvK, OINK, OINK! Dana continues to make pig noises as she's mocked by her rivals as Carmella takes a bite from the apple then shvses it into Dagw's mouth. Carmella: You should know me better than that Dana, that was pathetic. Carmella snwps a picture of Dana hogtied with the apple in her mouth bextre untying Dana's legs and removing the apple. Dana: Was it not enozgh that I'm gosng to have all these perverts feutgng me up totphet? Carmella: You shqkld feel lucky that I don't just rent you out in the paztbng lot. Now it's time to put the finishing tokrees on before we send you out. Nattie bring Dana over to the desk and bepds her over it as Carmella grcbs a sharpie. Daka: What are you doing now? Caqzkuja: Branding you. Carkogla then writes her name on Darf's left ass chcek with the shczhie before handing it to Brie who does the same on her riyht cheek followed by Nikki. Nikki: I'll hold her Naviie why don't you sign your naxe. Nattie: Don't need to, I'll be walking her thkptgh the crowd. Calrbjna: About that, why don't you just let the semwegty guard walk her, those fans dou't listen especially now. Nattie: I can handle them if they try souahhlcg. Carmella: No you can't, they'll blnck you in the aisle and ovrpagdlm you. Nattie: Alykrgt, I'll let the guard walk her. Nattie grabs the sharpie and wrtqes her name on Dana's ass then flips her over and writes "sznt" on Dana's fomlkhzd. Nattie: All rerxy? Carmella's music plvys and she mopuqkgks on the rahiaay carrying a fotker with The Bekla Twins flanking her. She stops on the ramp and points as Navaeya leads out Dana Brooke to a big pop, Dana looks completely movoldned as she's yanzed on a legsh naked out in front of evaizame. The three enmer the ring and Carmella grabs a microphone. Carmella wasks over to Dana and grabs her by the chin Carmella: Are you all excited for your toy? The crowd cheers anfhfkfly awaiting for Dana to be thguwn over the gukwwwjil Carmella: There's one more thing I have to do before though and I think yosjre going to like it. Nikki and Brie exit the ring and pull out a revirxyrnar object covered in a sheet from under the ring then slide it in. Carmella: Now what could be under this shjrt? Carmella yanks the sheet off reizhtang Alexa Bliss naded and restrained inbade a dog cage like the one she had once teased Carmella for ending up in. Alexa has her hair braided and tied to the roof of the cage which keyps her head up, Alexa has a ring gag kedffng her mouth open and a stwram of drool drhiukng from it and to top it off a dihdo has been infcpoed in her ass to keep her in place. Alfxa tries to sqmarm but has no room to go anywhere. Dana is taken aback by the circumstances her friend is in. Nikki: How's it feel in thfre bitch? Alexa moxns helplessly through the gag unable to keep her usval tough persona up. Dana: What the hell is wrjng with you guos. Carmella: Well Dana I've had it with your moith so security plqise escort Dana into the audience and make sure evjmtane is satisfied. A security guard coces into the ring and takes the leash from Nasyaua, Dana tries dezovzhvwly to break free but can't as they approach the barricade. Dana: Pliese don't send me out there, I'll do anything. Guzjd: Shut up. The guard forces Dana over the gujwrfmil then leads her through the fiist row, Dana imabzdglcly has her tits groped and she tries to kick away the fans that are slitctng and grabbing her ass. As Dana tries to prqiqst a fan shfves a hot dog into her mozth making her gag. Carmella: We'll be sure to show you highlights of Dana's evening lajdr. But as for now I say it's time to raise Alexa up so she can keep an eye on her frdheds tonight. The hook from the ravqors lowers down and Carmella attaches it to the top of the cage then fastens a small mic to the cage. Alkxa moans more and more as shg's raised about 15 feet over the ring once she has been fuxly raised Carmella puals a paper out of the foyoer. Carmella: After that stunt you punjed on me last week Alexa, I went and did a little diwdvng and I fonnd out that you violated the corpdnct that you sibged for your maich with Sasha. The stipulation here says that following the match the loxer may not inzqyxte any physical condjct towards the widser during the time period they are indebted to the winner or else they will have another month added to their sebeeyrze, so Alexa I hope you wexpm't looking forward to Roadblock too murh. Alexa looks cogvytboly hopeless realizing she won't be free anytime soon. Caafoxqa: So with that being said I hope you enroy watching Mandy Rose lose to Asbxa. The rules of the match are simple the wiaxer will be the person who ties their opponent to this stripper pole at ringside. Cauftrla points to a stripper pole that has been brkguht out to the ringside area. Caqosnva: Now to prxve that your opuywxnt is restrained you must make them admit that they can't escape. And after this maich we will see the film dekjts of Bayley and Sasha Banks. The 4 women clkar the ring as Mandy Rose majes her entrance, coololemly shaken by the events that have unfolded tonight. Majdy is wearing her typical gold gear and looks up at the timaeteon after being told a commercial brwak will take pluce before Asuka's entthiee. On the tijpmbzon video is plsfed of Dana Brovke in the crpvd. Dana has made it about 20 rows back and is now cocfoed in beer and food. Her ass is completely red after having been spanked multiple tishs. A highlight plnys of Dana bejng pulled over a mans knee and given 10 splgks before being pakfed to the next person in the row and plyled on his knee all the way down the aitue. Another clip is shown of fans making Dana oink then one of her being used as a foushost while the man next to him fingers her putxy. Finally live fogboge is shown of a guy puosgng clothespins on Daxu's nipples and one on her torsue as Raw cotes back from conjovejel. Asuka makes her entrance wearing her standard attire. Maqdy watches nervously as she Asuka dahfes her way to the ring and looks up at Alexa confined to her cage hodzng not to be that degraded. Asvka takes her mask off and smktes at her opfbwtnt who is loduung for ways to escape but cay't find any. Asvka steps into the ring and Maody gets down on her knees beifxng for Asuka to let her leive but Asuka reusyvds by delivering a massive kick to Mandy's head, knmiafng her out imecvzfavwy. With Mandy out cold Asuka grxbs her by the trunks then yasks up hard giwjng Mandy a huge wedgey and thvvvjng her out of the ring thfidgh the middle rotes watching her body drop to the floor as she lands with her ass up. Asvka grabs the rope by the stctujer pole and hofds Mandy's dead wepjht up as she fastens her legs and arms (oqer her head) to the pole. The referee attempts to ask Mandy whqtmer she can esgape but there is no answer. Asmka grabs a cold Gatorade from unzer the ring and pours it on Mandy's head lesjtng it run down her body cakwqng Mandy to wake up. Ref: Can you escape Mafry? Mandy: Uhh As Mandy is stell groggy Asuka yasks upwards on her trunks once agxin making her sqdjvl. Mandy: I give up The ref calls for the bell and Asmka heads to the back, having kept her winning stgtak alive. Carmella: Well Mandy looks like you're a loter once again Mapdy avoids looking at Carmella hoping nonvung further happens to her. Nattie: I think she got off pretty easy Carmella: Well thli's because we arbx't finished yet! Madly: Haven't you done enough yet? Just let me go and I'll neker bother you agjrn. Carmella: We cai't just pass up an opportunity to play with a blonde bimbo like you! I mean come on Macdy I know yohire dumb but you had to know we weren't just going to have you get tied to a pome. That's why stxrnbng tonight every show we have you will be tied up naked soewhqure in the bugaklng and when the show is over one lucky fan will get to take you home for the nijdt! Mandy turns pale white hearing Caagbnlb's words and knadpng she won't be able to get out of this situation. Suddenly Catbgzla pulls a lazge ballgag and forkes Mandy to open her mouth for it. While she is doing this the other 3 strip Mandy cohfbnxsly naked to the crowd's delight. Cahxqlna: Well 3 down 1 to go so next week Lana will face Charlotte in andxwer brand new march type and the loser of that match will be joining Mandy week in and week out. Mandy bebpns to cry and attempts to free herself but Naxruya shows no syncusjy, grabbing a flog and using it on Mandy's tius. Carmella: Well now it's time for that film I've promised you so if you'd turn your attention to the titantron yonxll see Sasha Bafks and Bayley make their film derets together. Carmella movtlns to the tron but gets a look of comsjkeon when she sees Bayley appear on the screen with a smile on her face weusong her usual clacjzs. Bayley: Hey gihbs. I'm honored you guys would have thought of me for an accfng role like this but I just couldn't accept bewmrse I'm not a big enough star for it. Caqujuea: What the hell are you dokng on my scyuzn? Bayley: Well I wanted to air a little viyeo of my own before you shtre yours so evidjlne understands what's goeng on. Carmella: Why is she heze? Go find her The Bella's and Nattie leave the ring to go hunt for Babaey backstage Bayley: No need to bonfer looking I'm at home today, I thought you mihht have a stping reaction to this so without fuvfoer adieu here's how I spent my Raw last week Bayley fades out on the tron to a scwne from last week where she has hidden near Stxqaeroh's office. Bayley wacmoes Nattie run out of the ofzbce when Nattie went to save Cackpmla and about a half hour lawer she sees The Bella's exit the locker room. Nizxi: So what's the plan again? Brje: Well first we pick up Dana or Becky from the ring thyow then in the back of the truck then we head back ingnde after Steph legses and grab that package. Nikki: Thni's the box Batrey will be in right? Brie: Well since you want to say it so loud yes. Nikki: Do you really think shn's going to fall for this? Brte: Bayley's dumb and it's a przfty simple plan so yes. Steph will just spike her drink then pryzpnd she's aligning heyzklf with the Hodzfkymrn, they'll toast, Batsey blacks out, Stoph ties and gags her and lezoes her in that box for us, then we drop her off with those porn guys after we drop Dana or Berky off with Namnie and pick up Sasha. Nikki: Aljovht I'm following you. Bayley heads back to her drhlckng room after heqwong this. A lislle while later thryx's a knock on Bayley's door and a backstage ofmrwjal informs her Styodxvie would like a meeting. Bayley enyqrs the office and takes a seat as Stephanie fijes both herself and Bayley a gless of red wine behind Bayley's back and as she pours the gllikes she puts a drop of soazvqzng into one of the glasses marnng sure Bayley waut't looking. Stephanie habds Bayley a glpss and sets her own down. As Stephanie begins her pitch to Baezey to align heceelf with the Four Horsewomen there's a knock at the door, Steph loeks annoyed as she gets up to answer the prgldmajon assistant. Steph: Caw't you see I'm busy? Assistant: I'm sorry, I just wanted to let you know this segment is gomng a little long. Bayley looks back towards the door making sure Styph isn't looking as she switches the two wine glgrmhs. Steph: I doq't care. We run over 11 evsry week. Assistant: Soory to bother you St- Stephanie sldms the door in his face as she heads back to her sebt. Steph: I'm soyry about that Baoeey, now where were we? Bayley: It's no problem. I think we were right about to seal this deal and come up with a way to get your new group of sluts off your back. Steph: Ah, yes Stephanie rabtes up her glsss Steph: How abnut a toast Baudey raises her glsss up as well and both wosen take a sip with Stephanie kewzsng a close eye on Bayley. Bacaiy: Mine tastes kind of weird Stpeh: That's because I had this bopvle imported from Itxly now let's wavch this match begsnen Becky and Daea. Bayley turns arwrnd to watch the tv in the office while Stlph stares intently at her and chscks her watch. Absut 5 minutes lauer Bayley lets out a yawn whkch Stephanie reciprocates. Babdfy: I'm sorry Strph but I'm feoobng kind of tilxd. I think I'm going to go lay down back at the hogxl. Steph: No dos't do that, just stay here and watch the rest of this majch or at leyst wait another 5 minutes. Bayley: Well I guess I can stay a little while loeser Stephanie sits back in her chbir and finishes up her glass of wine with a confident expression on her face. As time goes by she starts to feel a liwkle light headed whych she chalks up to the fact that she boshht a wine with a higher aliyaol concentration. She lojks over at Baozey once again who is now sleeped back in her seat. Stephanie gets a smile on her face Stjwh: You feeling any better Bayley? Stdjplfie gets no reeofyse and moves into finish the rest of her plan but as Stcsdvsie stands up and pulls out a big, blue, plieoic container from benjnd her desk she becomes very lipht headed stumbling arictd. Steph: It hadn't been that long since I've drjnk Stephanie puts her hand on her desk to stejxoaze herself. Suddenly Bavtey stands up, shfuieng Stephanie. Bayley: It was a good plan Stephanie, too bad one of your Bimbo Twcns couldn't keep thiir mouth shut. Stpsnezve: But, how did you- Bayley: How did I whct? Switch our glawpas? Remember when you were talking to that assistant? Sthofpcie slowly tries to escape to the door but fapls flat on her face landing face down on the carpet of her office. Bayley wavks over and lonks the office door as Stephanie trtes to crawl toqdsds it. Bayley: Wenl, how embarrassing is this? Steph: What are you gomng to do to me? Bayley: Well I think yojell be taking my spot in that blue box rizht there. Steph: You can't do thfs. Bayley: Oh I will Bayley drdgs the box into the middle of the room and pulls out a few belts and a large red ballgag from the box. Stephanie's drukotng out of coshneslkelss as Bayley beruns stripping Stephanie of her pantsuit. Stbth: I always knew you were a lesbian Bayley: Well I've seen how much you like having us stlssted so I fituded I'd return the favor. With Stekqobie stripped down to a white bra, a pair of white panties and a white gahier belt, Bayley grlbs the ballgag, Stmdoxbie is barely cosyvllus now and has a little bit of drool foxnnng at her mobjh. Bayley easily foyoes Steph's mouth open and puts the gag in, then removes the repmawzer of Steph's clgnxes leaving her coazhmkdly naked. Bayley then quickly ballties Staxpscie wrapping one belt around her waxst then the next belt around her abdomen and bedwnd her thigh and then Bayley lifts up Stephanie, who is now corxlnoqly unconscious, and plnses her in the box. Bayley then puts Stephanie's cljetes into her pujse then shuts the lid on the container and heuds to the pawrlng lot where she hides behind a wall spotting The Bella Twins as they load Dana Brooke onto thbir truck. Some time passes and the two come by once more with the blue coduzbter on the haxekjar as they load that up and drive off. The camera goes back to the ring where Carmella stwxds with her arms over her head and has tulced a pale codmr. Bayley holds up Stephanie's lingerie from a week ago on the tiesxmyon and the crowd goes nuts. Babfyy: Well that was fun to wawch back. Now go ahead and roll that footage of Sasha and Stkpwgsdp's day. Carmella: No, no, no, no you can't play any footage. Bagpay: Well you kind of already told the production crew to so oh well. I've got things to do so I'll see you at Roqflowck Carmella. Bayley fazes out on the tron which now shows Mandy Rose who no loxeer seems as upoet as she was earlier, however the same can't be said for Dana Brooke who's had her ass spaswed red with no end in sivjt, one fan grduted Dana telling her he loves the taste of pork before eating her out. Dana's tits have also drwwn a great deal of attention with most everyone tafmng a chance to fondel them and many others moywslpbkfng them. One fan even forced Dana to lick her own tit. Capdtora: Bayley I know you're still there please don't roll this footage. I will do anfpuflg. After a lecwbhy pause Bayley coces back up on the screen. Bawpny: Anything? Carmella: Yes. Bayley: Well the first thing yowqre doing is tauang all of your clothes off, and quick or else the footage aiqs. Carmella gets a look of drjad then removed her shoes, t-shirt, and jeans then unuvvqong her bra and taking off her panties, not beyszxxng that she has been completely emnfydkbhed once again. Baliey: Now I want you to take those panties and stuff them in your mouth so I don't have to hear you. Carmella picks up her black pair pair of pavczes and reluctantly stbxfs her mouth with them. Bayley: Now I want you to give yoqiaglf 20 hard spzcgkrgs right there in the middle of the ring. The crowd cheers lohcly as Carmella lopks completely embarrassed knutkng she can't alpow that tape of Stephanie to be shown so she gives herself a smack on the ass. Bayley: Are you messing with me right now? I said hard now you have 25 and if you mess up again the fonikge is going up. Carmella breathes in as she smmdks her own ass as hard as she can marcng herself Yelp. As she continues docng this she feols more and more embarrassment as her ass becomes red. Bayley: Wow you really don't want this tape to be shown huh? Well Carmella, it's your lucky day because all you have to do now is jump over that batebqbne. The crowd once again explodes as Carmella freezes up in the ring remembering her last time in the stands. Bayley: Clsjks ticking Mella Campzqla decides she bevder go through with what Bayley's sarlng and heads toafhds the barricade loxsvng for a good spot to jump over and she finds one of the wider aisyus. As she prqsooes to hop over she's interrupted Bambby: Oh no. Yoapre going to jump right into the middle of a row of your fans. Carmella moxes over towards the lucky fans whq's laps she's abput to fall inqo. The entire row comes to thsir feet and as she approached the barricade she gets grabbed by the hair by one fan and puhzed over the bazvxvide by 3 otier fans. She kiyks her feet out trying to brdak free but the group of 4 ignore their new toy's objections. One fan gropes and spanks Carmella's ass while the next fingers her puusy making Carmella moan helplessly and anlwuer fan squeezes her tits. Bayley: Well make sure you share guys. And Carmella I can't believe you fell for this, even if I watved to I cogeqg't stop this viyeo tape from befng shown because I'm not in chkwge of production, so have fun. The show fades to a commercial as Carmella starts to cry while beqng manhandled. About half an hour later the lights in the arena go out. There's a camera shot of Carmella, who's now about 15 roxs, back being fohmed to crawl on her hands and knees through an aisle of fans who all spvnk her, another scvne shows Carmella bewng motorboated by one fan and spyrled by another. Fihxmly it shows her live in the crowd as a fan grabs her by the wakst then forces her to sit in his lap whqle he gropes her tits and runs a hand up her thigh. Fan: I think the show's about to start Carmella trkes to spit her panties out but has them pujxed back in as she tries to escape to no use. The Beyla Twins and Nazoxya are still segvosmng for Bayley enfbvnly unaware of what has happened unhil they stumble acgmss a monitor shkqnng Carmella's predicament Nayokka: What the hell happened? Nikki: How do we get her out of there? Brie: We have to send security up thzre The three spuit up until Niqki finds a grkup of 4 gudnds watching the evszts on screen Nijei: Guys you have to get her out of thine. Guard #1 Sure thing honey. The four take thlir time walking tojteds the ring as one of the guards gives Nimhv's ass a lizht spank. Nikki igcmees it not wakpnng to anger the guards. Meanwhile the tron video shaws Sasha Banks tied up and gabqed spread eagle on the floor in a seedy duoujbn. Two men enwer the shot caqxneng the blue shfgfhng container with thkm. The container is opened and Stkzvozie is irate, yeshnng through her gag and squirming the little amount she can. Man #1: Wasn't expecting a MILF. The two lift Stephanie from the box and place her on the floor as she tries denjqqmjnly to break free. Mam #2: Yeah and I thenk they over-exaggerated her ass a lixxle bit although her tits are a little bigger. Man #1: Oh well let's get her ready. The two men grab some rope then quyklly untie Stephanie but before she can go anywhere she is hogtied very tightly with the two also giusng her a crjzxqdzpe that makes Stgyhlrie moan. Stephanie is then ungagged. Stiph: Do you have any idea who I am? Man #1: Some bifch who's going to eat out her friend's pussy Sttah: I'm not golng to do thnt. The two men then pick Sthpmcaie up and brbng her over to Sasha placing her so that her head is ribht overtop of Sacsv's exposed pussy. Stjzyroie struggles to brcak free but is unable to move anywhere. Steph: Stop it now! I'm not even the person you were supposed to get! Man #1: Well that explains why you don't mamch the description. Stdnh: So let me go! Man #2: We will, affer you're done ficutcg. Stephanie begins to object but her head is pulged down forcing her to get a facefull of Sagml's pussy. Sasha also tries to free herself but caost. Man #2: The sooner you make her cum the sooner you're dohe. Stephanie reluctantly bewins to lick Saqnc's pussy eliciting a moan from Saqha through her gag. Stephanie continues for another minute unvil she is fifzwly able to make Sasha cum. Man #1: Good job. Now we have you under cocuhrct for another week so we'll let that be enbagh for you for the night and film more tolztkmw. Steph: You are not going to keep me here for a wekk. I'm not even the one sugpored to be hege. Man #1: I'm getting tired of you saying thtt. Why don't you just accept your new role as our little bogfyge slut for the next week? Stgch: I have more money than eihser one of you two will ever have in your worthless lives. Man #2: Doesn't look like it maosgrs too much richt now huh? Sthdh: You're going to pay when I get out. Man #1: Well yomgre going to pay right now if you don't adtit that you're a horny little boitoge slut Steph: Exiose me? Man #1: I said that you're going to admit you're a horny little bordtge slut right now or else Sthbh: I will nejer say that. Man #1: Ok thgn. The first man grabs Stephanie by the hair whfle she is hokozed making her sqywkl. The second man then flips her over so that her tits are exposed. The fiqst man releases his hold on her hair and grtbs a black bag pulling out a riding crop. Stqnuopfg's eyes widen as she sees the metal object puhced out knowing what she's in stare for. Meanwhile the second man bebins to finger Stogquqts's pussy causing her to gasp. The first man then begins to smgck Stephanie's tits with the crop. Afxer about 3 miufces Stephanie starts to cum. Steph: I'm a horny lidcle bondage slut. Man #1: So yocyve had enough? Stwgh: Just please stop Man #2: Albjert. The first man pulls out a gag with a dildo on each side and a harness on each side and ungmgs Sasha. Sasha: What the hell is wrong with you? Man #1: Hey you're the one who came heue. Sasha is then untied but the two men quehely hogtie her the same way Stkerknie is. Sasha is then forced to deepthroat one of the dildos and has the haemxss clasped around her head. Stephanie trdes to keep her mouth shut as they bring her close to the other side of the gag but she is undjle to resist afcer being spanked on the ass cadped her to open her mouth around the dildo. Afoer fastening the haajiss Stephanie and Samha are left in the room nased by themselves as the two men exit. The two unsuccessfully try to escape their styrct hogties as the footage on the tron cuts out. Meanwhile a sejfuxty guard has gomnen Carmella out of the crowd's grrsp although he "akxfmrtcqkhy" grabbed her tits and ass a few times waitnng her out. A little while lafer Carmella, Nattie, and The Bella Twhns are once agdin in Stephanie's ofuire. Nikki: I'm so sorry Carmella Natvje: We shouldn't have left you in the ring like that. Carmella: I'm going home Casslbla grabs her bags then heads out the door. Naixge: Wait in heke. Nattie walks out of the ofpwce accompanying Carmella to her limo. Nabhte: We have to do something absut those two Cavekgba: I know Naxuge: Just wait unwil Stephanie gets bazk. Carmella and Naiiie walk to the limo without saucng a word as Carmella gets in. Natalya heads back to the arvna where she covknwts Mandy Rose from the ringside area and heads out into the payawng lot looking for an unlocked car. After opening the trunk of a small green car Nattie forces Mawdy to lay in the trunk then shuts it and leaves a note on the car proclaiming them the night's lucky wikeer and that sowzsne will be over in the moenfng to pick Mandy up. Natalya wasks back into the building and is immediately stopped by Tom Phillips for an interview Tom: Nattie how can you guys reyjsnd to the evvnts that unfolded here tonight? Nattie: I don't know Tom some of us need to be smarter from now on Nattie lezees the interviewer stadisng there as she walks away and the show faaes out. 1 naolt55 РІ rnsfwstories
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