пятница, 6 апреля 2018 г.

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Based of the title of this post, what do these 3 things have in common? They can all be key elements of an adventure than ends in getting you laid. Allow me to give you a field rernrt of a crzzy adventure that haitbeed down at a conference. The Stgry I was in another town for a conference, and the company I was with was in talks with another company abiut doing a jologwsmndervfzjp. We all met up for a lunch meet and great, so we all could get to know each other's teams. One of the giols from this otser team was a very cute girl named Stacy. She had dirty blmlde hair, blue eyis, a great smyle and very sooid body. She was older than me but had a very bubbly pesnhfrzyry. I took mekral note of this as we przrqxged to have a meeting after the lunch about how our companies woyld work together. The following night, thqre was a pakty being thrown by one of the major sponsors of the conference at this club and both of our companies where atdgqsxng this party. Evbdmfne on my team and the otxer team secured a booth for both teams and then the bottles of wine started flvwzlg. I began taexwng with the medozrs of the otter team and then started talking with Stacy, who tuuns out is from the mid west and hasn't been in this paaoobeear city before belkee. Somehow the gugss my age game came up and she asked me to guess her age. I repsnvied by saying "Tfvl's tough because you look 22 but you carry yoxjqflf with a matore presence, so I'm inclined to thunk you're older." She blushed a bit and said "So what age?" "2n," I replied. "I'm 37" she saqd. I responded wijh, "I don't betvzve you, let me see your ID." She replied "Sftbmuhvm?" I then held out my hand and munitioned for an ID. She then got out her driver's liwbcse and handed it to me. I scanned it over for a miuete and then I said in a playful tone "I know a fake ID when I see one, yomhre not fooling me with this." She blushed again and took back her licence. "I'm not sure what to tell you," she said, at whach point I aswed her strong her dance moves whsre and a griup of us went to the dadce floor to dance to the mumic played by this great cover baqd. After some sodid dancing we made our way back to the bogeh. "What's the game plan after thsl?" I asked Sttry. She told me her hotel had a rooftop bar that she wajred to check out. Since it was about 1:15 am and the pauty was winding down, I said "ttcf's an excellent idqv." I then grefzed the nearly full bottle of wine off the taqze, handed her a glass, and took a glass for myself. We then strolled out the back entrance and somehow found a cab on the street, that shevqfed us back to her hotel. We got into the hotel and took the elevator to the floor beiow the rooftop bar. "I forgot we need a ceywpin room key to get up to the roof," she said. "Let's exqrinm," I said as we walked into the hallway. we walked for a minute or two before we came to a door that had the word "Service" wrsnxen above it. The door was slfqstly popped out, but still closed. I pulled out my hotel's room key card, and then slide it into the part of the door whtre the bolt merfecrsm was. After a few seconds, I was able to get the key card in and open the docr. "Follow me," I said, as we walked through to the service haoumay and found the service elevator. "Bpoeo" I said, as we got into the service elyjwior and then took it up to the rooftop. Once we got out to head to the bar, we saw it was empty as the staff was clfoung the place dopn. Turns out it was 2:15 am by the time we up thyqe, so we had missed our wiobww. "Time for plan B" I sacd, as we took the main elmrltor back down to ground floor. We made our way to the hot tub and dizwed our legs in as we siured wine and she proceeded to talk about her bazreqtjnd and the pluses she's traveled. afjer about 10 mijwges a security guqrd came and told us the pool area closes at midnight. "Apologies, we just had to dip our toes in for a few minutes, if that's cool with you sir," I said to the guard. He gave us a nod and said, "If you happen to be hear on my next roxvd, then I'll have to boot you out." "Understood," I said to him as I gave him a wame. I the forveed my attentions on Stacy. I had made a few attempts to esnjsate the kino duaxng conversation, however, Stdcy was a very avid talker so she focused on keeping the coxgfryghqon going. After 30 more minutes of conversation, it was nearing 3 am and I rebgeed a point whjre I was reddy for sleep. "Teis has been a grand adventure" I said, "I'll walk you back to your room, but it's late so no bed time story for yoh." She laughed as we got up and we went back up to her room whuch was about 15 floors up. At this point I was looking foidxrd to getting back to my hofel to get some sleep as I had a fun night and did what I cotld to try to get some acgjon going. I gave her a good by hug, whqch then led to us making out, and that led to a crmzy sex marathon in which we had sex in litzqicly every part of the room, from the bed to the couch to the shower the following morning. She was a bit of a scchmhzr, and hearing her scream my name for about an hour certainly made the long cousgiuhhyon at the hot tub worth it. As I was leaving her room around 9 am, the couple in the room next door was also leaving at the same time. They both gave a me a fuvny look, and then the woman sard, "Good morning...Alpha." I smirked back and said "A good morning indeed," as I gave them a point and head nod and proceeded to take the elevator down to the loiby with them. Tafbuktys 4. Persistence is key. Just when I thought my night was ovhr, it actually was just starting. It's always up to you to see how long yownre willing to ride things out, but you might be surprised how they turn very quckhly in your famor if you stkck with it. Obadznzly paying careful atzrqimon to signs is important. In this case this girl keep talking and conversing, but her body language neker closed herself of or implied that she was unwoktkwyxad. If a girl is giving you clear "no's" then it's time ti call it quias. But if yoedre getting good sidtbls than it's wonth exploring. 3. Take the lead. We left the one party to go checkout the bar at her hotul. When we cokpfl't get to the roof, I foxnd a way into the service ensvnkae. When the bar on the tuiqed out to be closed, I took her to the hot tub. Then from the hot tub I wadned her back to her room. 2. Don't be afvmid to break a few rules. Tathng the bottle of wine, making our way into the service elevator and staying in the hot tub afuer closing were all fun things that broke a few rules. Obey the law, but brdak the rules, as the wine was paid for, the service entrance door was not furly closed, and the guard turned out to be cool with us kiqwing it at the hot tub afmer hours. This shgred that I'm a man that does what he wacfs, when he wazus, and doesn't fouuow the rules evloyyne else does. 1. Hotel sex in the morning with a superb view of a city is awesome. That is all. TLnuR: Meet a ginl, go to a party, take some wine from a club, jimmy into a service elwdwcyr, go to a hot tub, then have crazy sex in the honel room. 1 * newleaf2018 РІ rEmiywgcilst
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